I'm New. What Can I Expect from LCOR?
Welcome to Worship at Lutheran Church of Reconciliation!

Whether you worship at LCOR regularly or are joining us as you vacation at the coast, know you will emerge blessed, refreshed, and impressed by the presence of the Holy Spirit who emboldens you to live your life anew!

We worship at 10:00am with a format that many describe as traditional with a modern, or blended flare, followed by a delectable opportunity to enjoy fellowship and some tasty goodies!


For any other questions, please contact our church office! administrator@mylcor.org or 910-686-4742

What is available for Children's Ministry?

We currently offer Children's Sunday School at 9:00am - Same time as Adult Sunday School! We also do a weekly Children's Sermon during worship. We also provide fun activities throughout the year such as VBS, Trunk or Treat, and more! Contact Pastoral Assistant, Emily Wantuch, for more information.


Where do I park?

We have a full parking lot as well as overflow parking across the street.


What do I wear?

Just as Scripture says, "Come as you are!" We do not have a dress code at LCOR. We have weekly color themes to go along with our liturgical calender but following that is up to you!


How can I get connected?

Please contact our leadership team or visit our Connect page to find ways where you can get involved with all that is happening at LCOR!