At LCOR, we are proud of our growing Childrens Ministry!  We believe in the importance of  giving little ones a foundation of faith!

We currently offer Sunday School, an on-campus Preschool, and fun events along the way such as Trunk or Treat, VBS, and more! For more information, contact Pastor Assistant, Emily Wantuch

Children's Sunday School (Ages 3-9)

Children's Sunday School is taught at 9:00am in the LCOR Pre-K Room. This class is fun, friendly and bible-centered! It is staffed with friendly, and qualified teachers and helpers who will make church exciting and memorable for your child. They will come home singing new songs, quoting verses they have memorized, displaying crafts they made, and sharing with you important truths they are learning from the Bible. They will learn important truths, like who Jesus is, and the fact that God loves them and made them for a unique purpose.

LCOR Preschool (Ages 1-5)

Our LCOR Preschool has been rated 5 stars by our community! We are staffed with qualified and friendly teacher who create engaging curriculums and build a foundation of knowledge and faith for children. For more information, visit our Preschool page.

Ages 0-9

Our Nursery is offered during worship service! Led by Ms. Leah, Nursery time is spent playing, having a quick snack, and enjoying bible stories!