From Guy Beale, Director of Faith Formation
Adult Sunday School
As long as church is closed for “inside” worship services, we will continue to have on-line Sunday School classes at 10:30 on Sunday mornings using Zoom. The meeting ID and password for the Zoom class will be sent by email from Jean each week.
Small Groups
The small group in Leland is considering options for having virtual meetings. For more information on the Leland group, contact Lois Manning at
The Middle Sound Loop group will re-evaluate their starting time at a later date. For information on the Middle Sound Loop group, contact Susie Jones-Cook at
Sharing the Peace Videos
As we continue with our on-line worship services on YouTube and Facebook, we are asking for folks to consider making short videos clips sharing the peace. Spouses may do them individually or together. In either case, each person/couple should just face their smart phone camera and say, “God’s peace be with you” or “The peace of Christ be with you” as if you were sharing the peace with another person in church. Then you may send the resulting video file to Pastor Bill by text to his phone (980-621-4218) or by email to, or to me by email to These videos will be used during our on-line Sunday worship services. Thank you for your support in this.